I would like to encourage you to show your support for the association by becoming a Member. If you make your living from pork production, the Arkansas Pork Producers Association is working for you. If you are an owner/operator, a farm employee, or a company employee, the APPA is working to make sure you have a future in pork production in our state.
The Arkansas Pork Producers Association represents the interests of pork production across the state. Your membership allows the APPA to conduct association activities, carry out grassroots efforts, and maintain a relationship with policymakers. Your membership shows continued support of the industry and provides a vital source of revenue for the association. While checkoff dollars are collected on all hogs sold in the state, these funds can only be used for promotion, research, and education activities. Issues facing pork production today are more complex than ever. Producers are facing increased regulations, while under scrutiny from a public unfamiliar with modern pork production practices. With this in mind, the APPA has an increased challenge in sharing our message with the public and with policymakers at all levels of government.
Forms and Fees
Please print out the membership application and mail it in today along with your $25 annual membership dues. If you should have any questions, please contact the APPA office.